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Setting up your App Sparkasse Business

Setting up your App Sparkasse Business with pushTAN · Instructions

Setting up your App Sparkasse Business

Setting up your App Sparkasse Business with pushTAN · Instructions

The App Sparkasse Business allows you to keep an eye of your accounts. This guide explains how to set up the App Sparkasse Business and the S-pushTAN-App.

Before you start

Important – before setting up the App Sparkasse Business:

  1. Please only start setting up the app when you have all of the required documents to hand.
  2. Please note that you will need to download and set up the S-pushTAN-App before setting up the App Sparkasse Business. You will need the S-pushTAN-App to verify transactions on the App Sparkasse Business.
  3. What we’ll send you: As a new online banking customer, you will receive two letters by separate post.
  • A registration letter for the S-pushTAN-App and
  • a letter with your online banking login details: User name/login ID and a temporary PIN.

Please wait until you have received these two letters before activating the app.

You need

To do so, you will need:


QR code for downloading the S-pushTAN-App


Download the latest version of the app, which is free, from the Apple or Google Play Store.

QR code for downloading the App Sparkasse Business

App Sparkasse Business

Download the latest version of the app, which is free, from the Apple or Google Play Store onto your phone or tablet.

When setting the app up for the first time:

Sparkasse registration letter

pushTAN registration letter

To set up the S-pushTAN-App, you will need your pushTAN registration letter and your Sparkasse account must have been enabled for pushTANs. If you didn’t receive this letter, please contact your Sparkasse.

Letter with initial access data

Existing online banking account or initial online banking login details

In order to be able to use the App Sparkasse Business, you will need an online banking account or a set of initial login details for logging into online banking for the first time. You will also need your online banking login details to verify your identity on the S-pushTAN-App.

When setting up the app again, e.g. on a new phone:

Enter your login name and online banking PIN

User name and online banking PIN

If you are installing the App Sparkasse Business on a new device, you will need your online banking user name and PIN.

How to

How to:

Setting up pushTAN for the first time – with registration letter

The following guide contains step-by-step instructions for setting up the S-pushTAN-App with a registration letter. The important thing is to set up the S-pushTAN-App first. You will need the app to verify transactions on the App Sparkasse Business.

Do you have a new phone or tablet and want to set up the S-pushTAN-App again? Then follow the instructions under “Set up S-pushTAN-App again – on new phone”. If you want to reinstall the S-pushTAN-App, please follow the instructions under “Set up S-pushTAN-App again – after reinstall”.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

Setting up the App Sparkasse Business

The App Sparkasse Business is intuitive and easy to use. As is the following guide, which contains step-by-step instructions for setting up the App Sparkasse Business.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

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